Python Scripts

Number Name of script About Link
1 ARP Spoofing This is a python script which can be used to perform ARP spoofing, and can also be used further in the use cases which require ARP spoofing.
2 Password Sniffer This is a password sniffing python script.
3 Port Scanner This is a simple port scanner. It scan scan an DNS/IP address for open ports and can also perform banner grabbing.
4 SSH Brute Force This is a python script, it is used to brute force the SSH clients password and guess the correct password, using a password list.
5 Vulnerability Scanner This is a vulnerability scanner, used to detect the vulnerabilities in the target. Currently this project is under development.
6 WiFi Scanner This is a python script that can used to discover host on a local network or Ethernet network.
7 DDoS Script This is a python script that can be used to for DDoS attack.